“Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.”
We encourage all students to be leaders, from 13 – 15 July 2022 RC conduct a Leadership Camp at Kebunsu – Bogor, West Java. The objective of the event is for all students to have a leader mindset.
On the first day, all students are gathered to participate in a team building games, they are put into separate group, and they were given a task to complete. Games including making a tower from a pasta, lining up games outdoor, shouting games and water games at the pool area.
Ms. Kirti Sharma, RC Business Lecturer who is also a certified public speaker open the training session by sharing the importance of communication skill for a leader. She also mentions that the success of a communication is based on how we can say and express ideas effectively.
The main speaker of this event is Dr. Sutarno, Co-founder of Polytechnic Cendana Medan and past District Governor of Toastmaster. He stated that a person must have a good visualization or view of themselves in mastering leadership skills. There are 4 important aspects to be a leader, those aspects are:
• Let go of your limitations
• Write everything that comes up
• Allow yourself to dream big
• Use your imagination to create a vivid picture
We believe that through this Leadership Camp, all RC students will develop a mindset of a leader that will be beneficial for their future career. Thank you to all speakers, lecturers, staff, and students who participated in this event.
RC PR 29 Aug 2022